I don’t use the products because I have a business… I have a business because I love the products.

Time and time again, I see someone looking for suggestions, must be great and do x, y, z but “no mlm’s”… do you realize how many fantastic products they just eliminated with those two words? And why? Because they had one experience not to their satisfaction and then they paint them all with the same brush? There are bad apples in any business but that doesn’t mean the whole orchard is bad.

Wanna know if you should try a product you’ve been eyeing or your friend has been raving about? Ask yourself these questions:

  1. Do I trust this person?
  2. Do I believe their product to be of high quality?

If yes, what’s stopping you?

I can tell you that many of the products you find on the store shelves have you THINKING it’s a high quality product but they’re actually backed by marketing geniuses who know just the right words to say to make you believe it. And it’s perfectly legal. You’re voting for more of that ish every time you make a purchase.

Did you know that most of those small businesses, and yes they are small businesses, are run by women? Women who are working to contribute to their families financial situation. Paying for expensive things like student loan debt, dance studio memberships, traveling soccer fees… maybe they are a single parent or a college student with a side hustle so they can pay the bills a little easier… maybe they just want to more easily fit buying the products they love into their budget. Or maybe they’ve worked so hard that it’s now their family’s sole income. 

No matter how much they’ve worked to grow their business, I’m betting they’re all grateful for a paycheck in these uncertain times. I know I sure am!

They way we buy things is changing FAST. Maybe it’s time to rethink some limiting beliefs and give some products a deeper look.

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